IHC Service Provider Information

Email: Inhomecaretas@wanslea.asn.au
Website: wanslea.asn.au
Wanslea’s In-Home Care service offers families a little extra help
Since 1943, Wanslea is a not for profit organisation, has touched the lives of thousands of children and families in times of need. The goodwill and respect that has been earned by Wanslea continues to be reinvested in the care of families and children through the many programs now offered over its locations in Western Australia, Northern Territory and Tasmania.
In Home Care is flexible child care provided in your home for those families who are eligible for the Child Care Subsidy, and can demonstrate that other types of approved child care are not available or appropriate, and where one or more of the following criteria apply:
- Parents or carers are working non-standard or variable hours, outside normal child care service hours
- Parents or carers are geographically isolated from other types of approved child care, particularly in rural or remote locations
- The family has challenging or complex needs, including where families are experiencing challenging situations, and other approved child care services are not able to meet the needs of the child or the family
All Wanslea’s In Home Care educators support your child’s learning and build play experiences based on the Early Years Learning Framework.